Building a Strong Foundation

The best way to learn about the program at Hill is to talk to us and visit. If you would like to learn more we hope you will contact us, either through email or by calling the school to set up an appointment. We are proud of our program and eager to discuss it with you.

Language Arts

In our Language Arts, program reading, writing, and spelling go hand in hand. Kindergarten provides a language-rich environment of stories, poems, rhymes, and songs. The children hear and read various books every day. Some stories are by a featured author, some are based on our unit of study (fiction and non-fiction), some are children’s favorites, and some are just right for a Kindergartner’s sense of humor. Reading is introduced using a combination of approaches, including sight words and phonics. Children participate in guided reading, and as the year progresses, they take part in a Reading Workshop where they are given time to practice reading books that are on their developmental level. Teachers listen to the readers and focus on the individual needs of the child. Students develop confidence as readers through this process and are eager to share their new-found skills. They have opportunities to read to their classmates as well as to book buddies in other grades.

Writing workshop begins with students drawing pictures about their experiences or a teacher directed topic. Children dictate their stories to a teacher or write them, using their own “Kindergarten Spelling.” As the year progresses, they move through various stages of spelling. The students take great pride in their work and enjoy sharing their stories with classmates. Some stories are typed and displayed in the hallway.

Penmanship and number formation are introduced using the program Handwriting Without Tears. Children learn to form their letters and numbers correctly and practice the skills.


The math curriculum follows the Investigations series which is sequential and developmentally appropriate, meeting a wide range of learners. Children in kindergarten develop early math skills by being actively involved in the use of manipulatives, by sharing their ideas and thought processes with peers and teachers, and by solving mathematical problems in ways that make sense to them. The areas of instruction include number and operations (addition and subtraction), patterns and functions, data analysis, 2D and 3D geometry, and measurement. The children use a variety of games and materials in whole group, in small groups, in pairs, or individually to discover the world of mathematics.

Social Studies

The Social Studies program draws from the children’s experiences. Through discussion, role playing, stories, art activities, and field trips, children expand their knowledge and understanding of their world. Topics include: school and friends, our community, Thanksgiving – The Wamponoag Indians, Culture Study program, and holidays.


Science builds on children’s natural curiosity and motivates early interest through active learning. Our science units include a variety of activities ranging from arts and crafts projects, models, games, to observation and experiments. Through hands-on experiences children develop thinking skills: predicting, measuring, comparing, classifying, and drawing conclusions.


Art is incorporated into the curriculum every day to develop the students’ creativity, for their enjoyment, to teach them to follow multi-steps directions, and to strengthen their small motor skills. Children use a variety of materials such as paint, clay, fabric, crayons, and markers in both self and teacher-directed activities.


In addition to participating in many musical activities in the Kindergarten classroom under the supervision of the Kindergarten teachers, the children meet once a week with the music teacher in the music room for a half-hour period of singing, rhythm games, and songs with movement. Orff xylophones and other small percussion instruments are used both alone and as accompaniment to songs and rhymes. The children perform at the Thanksgiving Assembly, the Holiday Concert, and the Spring Sing Concert.


The athletic department helps children develop positive habits of lifelong fitness and the desire to achieve their personal best in all endeavors. To achieve this, every child participates and competes in a variety of team and individual activities that promote sportsmanship, confidence, and competence in a physically and emotionally safe environment.

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