
Monthly Archives: March 2012

March 2012

Hill School Top Reducer in Green Cup Challenge

March 19th, 2012|

Students from 116 schools in 22 states collectively prevented 1,567,562 pounds of global warming carbon dioxide (CO2) from being released into the atmospher in just four weeks, during the 2012 national Green Cup Challenge. Top reducing schools for this years GCC included The Hill School in Middleburg, Virginia (-23.4%) which came in 3rd in the [...]

Alumni Shoot

March 3rd, 2012|

The first annual Hill School Alumni Shoot held on March 3, 2012 was a huge success. There were over 60 participants in attendance (26 alumni ranging from the classes of 1947 to 2009) on a chilly Saturday morning, but as the clouds parted and teams formed, healthy competition ensued. Prizes were given to the top [...]